Sunday, October 10, 2010

Angler News

Simon1973 is offering an online writing course. Here's the the blurb:
Imagine a writing course that comes to you right where you live and works with you as you are!  One that caters to your distinct personality while teaching you valuable skills and bringing out your innate talent!  Online and convenient, “Think like a Writer” is the course you’ve been looking for!  For details, click here:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Plotters & Pantsters

In a recent discussion on Linked In, I posed the question: Are you a plotter or a pantster?
Here’s the post: Do you map out your plotlines in advance, or write by the seat of your pants—and why? I'm curious because I've observed mixed success in installments on my website, TaleBait. I'm thinking about setting up a collaborative storyline with guidance for the plot to see if it will improve the quality of the posts. Personally, I'm a hybrid. I need a clear direction in mind, but lots of room for discovery as I write.
The responses revealed that virtually everyone is a hybrid. Good stories need creativity and structure. After a bit of research, I found several plot theories and plot maps and selected one to test with the story, Allie’s Choice.
Please join us in spawning creativity while experimenting with a plot plan. I hope this activity proves to be a fun skill-builder for all of us. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Why do you write?

I typically hear two answers to the question “why do you write?” The it’s-in-my-soul types claim they write to express themselves and enjoy the creative process. That’s straight-forward and honest. If sincere, they can be happy journaling for themselves or scribbling trifles to share with friends.

The second group says “I want to be published,” aka paid to write. This group gets hazy, even to themselves. If you just want to be published and paid to write, it’s not that tough if you write coherently. But you may have to write about topics that bore you. I’ve taken assignments that were a total snore-fest because I needed the work.

The fuzzy group-twos are those who say “I want to be published,” but mean “I want someone to pay me to print and sell what I feel like writing.” Admittedly, some lucky—and talented—souls have achieved this remarkable feat. That’s what keeps the optimists among us typing away.

I’ve encountered several writers in critique groups who claim they want to improve, but spend more time justifying their prose than listening to feedback, as if they’d have the opportunity to explain awkward passages to readers. Sometimes it’s hard to see your own mistakes and motivations. Maybe we’re all fuzzy twos.